Dreaming Up


Architecture is a big part of my studio work, and I am looking forward to being at the Biennale in Venice.  “Dreaming Up” by Christy Hale is a book that makes talking about the history of architecture easy! On one side of the page is an illustration of children playing with the usual suspects, pillows, cards, toothpicks, etc. On the other side is a photograph of a monumental building that relates in form to the picture of play. There is short, poetic text that introduces helpful vocabulary for describing structures. In the back of the book, you can find a description of the architect and building. If you are using it to integrate a quick architecture lesson into your classroom or playtime, then I would recommend starting with one of the two female architects, Maya Lin & Zaha Hadid.  Can you guess which architect is related to the floppy, old couch cushions?


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