From Parks

Wynwood Walls

Wynwood Walls is a neighborhood and a park. Walk these streets. Go early. Eat lots of food. Our approach to this art destination was simple because our goal was to notice things and be present. I want my kids and I to learn to be better at seeing what’s around us..the things that capture curiosity …

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Art Parks

We love to visit “art parks” or art collections installed outdoors. Their curation, intention, and influence range just as the size of these parks differ greatly.  Some include more site-specific environmental installations where the work feels more discovered than placed. Others are formally arranged, so it feels like you are walking through a museum but …

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Laumeier Sculpture Park, St. Louis

The Laumeier Sculpture Park is located on over 100 acres at the edge of the city of St. Louis.  It was drizzling and muddy when we began our hike through the “Eastern Woodland” section with grandparents and preschoolers. The art park is divided into a few different areas with some mulched and some paved paths. The …

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How to visit the Gori Collection

The Fallen and the Saved by Robert Morris

During the summer, you can visit Guiliano Gori’s art collection at Fattoria di Celle. The property stretches over 70 acres of diverse rolling landscape. The artworks are all site-specific and thus take on a different feel than other collections in sculpture parks. Each artwork is integrated into the landscape by the artist. The ditches, bridges, fields, and groves …

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Labyrinths near Siena

During our time in Tuscany, we are going to be close to these labyrinths. We plan to get lost in them and vote on our favorite. I wrote about why my children and I seek out both mazes and labyrinths in February. Read that post to find a longer list of mazes/labyrinths created by artists. And keep following along this …

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