Best Books on Jacob Lawrence

Over the past month, we read through quite a few books about African American visual arts. The items I surveyed are all listed here. There are a lot of books about Jacob Lawrence, and I hope every public library has a few. I found many written for a child who might be working on their first research paper. I’m looking for a book that captures the imagination of pre-readers and shares with them the stories of culture makers. From our home survey, here are three notable books about Jacob Lawrence (click on the picture for more information) :

For Little Littles:

The artwork and rhythm of “In The City” introduces young children to the work and spirit of Jacob Lawrence. It ticks all the boxes of a good board book and begins the conversation about art and the civil rights with toddlers.



For History Lessons:

Telling the story of Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad, this poetic book is a great read. The abstract images and rhyming verse invite you to feel the journey. There is a copy at the Birmingham Museum of Art in the children’s art studio.



For Teachers:

“Jake Makes a World” was just published in 2015. It is a story about the artist as a teen in Harlem. It focuses on the roots of his inspiration. How he observes the place, experiments with his process, and translates his observations into paintings. The book is not long and is a great way to set up a children’s art project. Teacher’s might also appreciate the Whitney’s list of lesson plans and links.


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