White Noise by David Carter

linesP1030655David Carter is probably best known for his pop-up bug books. His newest series on seasons looks interesting, but my favorites are his series on color. After yellow, red, blue, and black, he wrote “White Noise.” As you open this creaking book, abstract, geometric sculptures swish, snap, pop, peal, and crackle. If you listen carefully and move the pieces even more carefully, the mysterious white noise comes to life. Only half of the pages in our book are still intact because we started reading it with a two year old. Although, it is probably the most exciting non-representational book for my preschoolers. Steven Heller in the NYTimes calls it “a laptop sculpture garden, a romp through cubism and futurism, and a lesson in early-­20th-century modernist formalism.” It also plays nicely with our current exploration on sound inspired by our latest gallery visit and painting project.


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Questions you might ask while reading this book:

What is noise?
What makes noise?
What do spirals sound like?
What do sound waves look like?


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